Monday, June 3, 2013

Holy Slacker!!

I figured now that I am a stay at home mom/baker there are not a whole lot of excuses for not blogging! So I am going to try and blog about my crazy, busy,  chaotic weekends playing housewife and head baker ;) this weekend we have my very handsome, funny, and loving Ryde pant's  2nd birthday!! And my cousins graduated from CSU and although I'm a buffs fan I have agreed to make her a cake for her graduation party because we are all so proud of her! Busy weekend a head but I'm excited to get baking after having this past weekend off!! Now off to brainstorm my creations! 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Even Rad Batter has Beiber fever!!

This weekend I had a gig for a Justin Beiber Cake! Yep I can't deny it, I too have Beiber fever ;) haha So as some of you may know, cupcakes are my bread and butter but now since starting this project I've had to branch out of my comfort zone. So the Biebs cake would be my first attempt at a full blown fondant cake! Too be honest I was pretty nervous about the zebra pattern I had chose for the cake but I just think it looks so cute and girly I really wanted to do it. I had printed out a template of sorts but after trying to use it for the first minute I scratched that idea and decided to just free hand it. Now I am no artist in the drawing field so doing anything with out a template makes me nervous but the good thing about zebra print nothing has to be perfect. Actually the less perfect the better the pattern looks :) so I baked everything early in the morning so I would have plenty of time to do the fondant but of course right as I'm about to start, the life partner called and said he forgot his radio, which meant I was taking a mini road trip with the kiddos out to Brighton!! Arg! To say the least, that was going to take 2 hours out of my planned time. So by the time I got home I was not feeling very confidant as now I don't have any spare time In case the first fondant go around was a disaster. Thankfully the fondant went on without a hitch so I could start enjoying myself again! So here are some pictures I took throughout the day

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Girly Girl Birthday Party Dessert Bar!

So this past weekend I had booked a party for a whole dessert bar, my favorite thing to do! Now the catch was that I had a day camping trip planned at a friend’s house scheduled for all day Saturday and lets be honest, all night ;) So I took my one day of rest after my 103 cookie rally and got started on Friday! I wanted to make sure I got as much done as I could on Friday that way I could really enjoy myself on sat without worrying about time and getting everything done. My fiancĂ© had been out of town the WHOLE week, so momma could use some relax time after baking enough cookies to feed a small army while herding 2 boys under the age of 3 all by herself hahaha So for the first time ever I left myself with enough time to get everything done by my departure time on Sunday! Now that is not without a classic 3 am stint in the kitchen on Friday but none the less, had all my goodies baked and bagged, ready to go with time to spare! WHAT, I know right!?!?! Unheard of if you know me. I think now that I’m trying to be professional had a lot to do with being on time this time ;) usually I can talk myself into going to bed early or not getting up to the alarm I set even on the day of a party hahaha So here are some pics I took during my weekend extravaganza! Now after a few days rest, I'm on to my next gig, a Justin Bieber cake and cupcakes hahaha yeah you read that right!!

My workshop getting started!

Tried out a new mold for the pretzels, and was pretty impressed!

Oreo Pops! They are so good! I always make extras to keep ;)

Friday night part done! Cupcakes and yellow treats Sunday morning!

Glad I decided to add the yellow!

My first attempt at colored popcorn! Loved the color and it was delicious!

Flower cookies ready to roll

Based the colors off of these super cute boxes I found!

Really happy with how the colors of the frostings turned out!

The whole Dessert Bar!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Cookies, on cookies, on cookies!

So my lovely cousin Cathy was the one who kick started me into this little adventure with asking if I could do some cookies for some center pieces at their next Colorado Charity Alliance event.  Like I said I jumped in head first, well not without consulting my all-knowing mother, but she was on board immediately also! So the order was for 100 cookies! So I got started on some test runs on Sunday even though they were not due till Thursday as I wanted to make sure I had a good game plan and that I left enough time to bake 100 cookies in 3 days! Of all weeks my fiancĂ© was out of town for work so I was home alone with our two boys trying to make this order happen, so you can just imagine what our house looked like hahaha and even with giving myself so much time I was still up till 3 am the night before trying to get every last cookie it its own bag and it the box ready to roll for a pick up that Thursday morning.  But I am happy to say I got everything done and for my first gig, which was pretty big order for lil ole me, turned out to be a success. Thanks to my mom and BFF for helping me out with store runs and last minute business cards to leave me more time for baking and decorating!! I had my one night of rest last night and now moving on to my next gig this Sunday, helping a friend out from high school with a dessert bar (my favorite thing to do) for her daughter and nieces birthday!
Here are some pics of my cookie journey this week!

A kick start to a small dream

So i have been creating desserts for the last couple years now, mostly for my boy’s birthdays and other family events. This past week i received an opportunity to make this hobby of mine a small business opportunity. I didn’t have much time to contemplate it, and i just jumped in head first! I have been told by numerous people numerous times that i should do something along these lines for a while now but never really seriously considered it. If you know me you know I’m my own worst critic! And the thought of people not liking what i put out was relatively scary. Of course your friends and family are going to think you’re a rock star at what you do but strangers and acquaintances are a different story! But I thought why not, I couldn’t hurt to try so here I am. I thought I would start a blog to capture my experiences, good and bad ;) during this new project of mine. Hope you enjoy!
Here is my first Logo created by some one at the Colorado Charity Alliance